Who We Are

Why Join Us?

PTWU represents your interests in the workplace and protects you and other workers from overwork, underpay, poor working conditions, bullying bosses, and the innumerable exploitative practices of the tech industry. As a member you can call on the union branch at any time to help you get the rights you want in your workplace, to advise and support you in workplace grievances, or to enforce your existing legal protections. As a union branch we will fight for worker control of the technology industry with an aim to end the exploitation and oppression of all peoples.

Our Office

Ndemi Road, Off Ngong Road, Nairobi

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+254 751 110 300

What we do

PTWU in its organisation collectivises the small amount of power each worker has in their workplace into a force capable of meeting the boss's power in every workplace. The union branch responsibly wields worker power to fight for our interests - by negotiating agreements with employers, providing legal support, and if necessary, mobilising workers to take part in direct action.

What do we believe?

We believe that workers need to look out for each other and stand together to curb the exploitative nature of tech companies and venture capital. This includes our own exploitation as tech workers, as well as the exploitation of other workers and oppressed peoples. The union branch understands that the exploitation enacted by tech companies is a subset of the exploitation enacted by a speculative global economy driven by the search for obscene profits for the very few. Therefore, our fight is interlinked and in support of the struggles of the working class, wherever they are oppressed.

Who Can Join?

PTWU represents all tech workers: If you develop or deploy technology, regardless of your employer’s industry. If your workplace is owned by a tech company, or if your labour is a necessary part of a tech companies' operation. If you are studying to work in tech or you educate others in technology. We encourage you to join us. From developers and project managers to cleaners, couriers, and warehouse assistants, PTWU will fight for your interests. Together we are stronger and as a union branch we act for the improvement of every members conditions.

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Get In Touch

Ndemi Road, Off Ngong Road, Nairobi

+254 751110300


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